Trying to add Htmlcleaner to my Vaadin project

Hi all,

I am a newbie to Java and Vaadin, coming from iOS, I want to recode a project I once did for the iPhone as a web app in Vaadin. this needs me to parse html pages, and I found that htmlcleaner ( does a good job. However I can’t get it to run with Vaadin 7. I added the jar for htmlcleaner to my eclipse project, and it compiles fine without errors. However after running it on Tomcat, I get a class not found exception for the main htmlcleaner class, although in eclipse, everything seems to be fine…

Do I need to change some path for Vaadin tomfind the class in addition?

Thanks a lot in advance!


The classes in your JAR-file will be only found if the JAR is added to the WEB-INF/lib directory. Other classpath-entries of your eclipse-project won’t be available at runtime. But that’s no Vaadin-specific thing but related to general Java-Web-Programming.

Thanks a lot! Worked like charm!

Sorry for the stupid question - I am new to this!


Good to hear that my first thought was right ;)…