Is there a way to align PopupView centered


Is there a way to align PopupView centered? In PopupView there is no setter for that. and if i try to center the Window inside the PopupView, it won’t move!

thank you.

The popup always opens centered on top of the minimized content of the PopupView.

How are you placing a Window inside a PopupView? That can’t be right :slight_smile:

you’re right… very funny … :slight_smile: it must be from the time when I started with vaadin :slight_smile:

but is there no way to set the position fixed? or should i try it with css instead?

Fixed how? You mean centered on the screen? Then you need to use explicit CSS, and override the inline styles of the element using
in your CSS properties.

So something like

.v-popupview-popup {
   top: 50% !important;
   left: 50%; !importan;

yes, that’s it! thank you.

but the start link is always under the popupwindow. and if i center the popupwindow, the start link is also centred. but the start link ( or button ) should stay in the footer.
i’ve created a little not so beautiful mockup. so that you can see what i mean.

is there a way to decouple the start link and the popupwindow? or should i use a button and a normal window and then style the window?

thank you

Sorry, I don’t really understand what you’re trying to accomplish and the screenshot isn’t really helpings since I don’t know what I’m looking at, sorry.

Can you draw/describe more abstractly how the components should behave, how the user is supposed to use that part of the app?


I try change the position to show the popup under the link to open the popup. However I don’t find a robust solution. Any idea?

Using SCSS you can set a specific position but this solucion is not valit for a aplication mobile / desktop.