Build with Ant fails, build with eclipse OK

Hi all,

i use the Eclispe Java EE for Web Developers to develop my web vaadin application. As JPA i use Persistence Framework
EclipseLink 2.3.0

The folder structure of project as following:

¦   +---com
¦   +---META-INF
¦   +---classes

    ¦   +---themes
        ¦   +---com
        ¦   +---META-INF

All required libs are placed under
directory. Because i don’t need the custom vaadin widgets, so i don’t assign the gwt-libs to my project.

I used just eclispe compiler and embedded tomcat to start and test my web application. Now i wish to use the apache ant to run the automized tests complie whole project etc.

But if i try to compile my project with javac anttask , the build fails with following reason:

After googling i found

I searching on other problem solution.

Thanks for your good ideas