TreeTable 1.0 Problem on IE6


On IE8,the images (arrow*.png and icon) in front of each tree item can show transparent but on IE6 they cannot.
The problem cause by IE6 PNG transparent problem.
I have googled and found 2 ways may solve this problem.

  1. Change arrow*.png from 24bit to 8bit (arrow*.png is black. 24bit or 8bit make no difference), but this solution should not do for other *.png (icon). Because It’s too much work and make icon beauty reduced.

  2. Use com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.Util.addPngFix() ,but I don’t know how to use it.

Anyone has easier work around. Please share with me.

Please fix this problem in the next version.

I’m sorry for my English.

Thank you in advance.


The arrow image is as a background images for an element with v-treetable-node-closed stylename. So it should be quite easy to overcome the issue in your theme. Something like this should do it (not tested):

.v-ie6 .v-treetable-node-closed {
background: url(my-if-fallback.gif);

(And similar for the open one)

The 24bit versus 8 bit actually makes difference when you have a stronger background color like on selected rows. There one can’t have smooth edges without real transparency (except if you make an image for each background color).

To get a better fallback solution for IE6 to the next release, please fill a ticket to Otherwise I can promise that I will forget this issue :slight_smile:


Thank you for your advice. It work.

This is my CSS :

.v-ie6 .v-treetable-node-closed {
	background: url(img/treetable/arrow-right.gif) right center no-repeat;

.v-ie6 .v-treetable-node-open {
	background: url(img/treetable/arrow-down.gif) right center no-repeat;

I convert arrow*.png to arrow*.gif and use some code of treetable.css from TreeTable add-on.

I will very grateful, if in the future you will test this add-on with IE6 before release.
My customers still use IE6 and they have a lot of old web applications that comply with IE6.
They cannot change to newer browser.

Thank you in advance.