Vaadin support for IE6


As GWT is moving away from supporting its controls on IE6, how does that impact the Vaadin controls supported on IE6? We are trying to use Vaadin 6.4.3 in our project and its really important for us to have our application running on IE6. Please someone respond to me on what is the impact of this change. And also, is Vaadin keep supports IE6 in future versions?



Vaadin 6 supports and will continue to support IE6. Most of the widgets in Vaadin are custom made and not very heavily based on the GWT widgets.

Vaadin 7 will support IE7 and newer.

With IE9 in beta, and IE6 so full of security holes and non-standard- based rendering, it is time to upgrade from that software released in 2001 – nearly a decade ago, which is like 70 dog years in Internet time… :wink:

Backwards compatibility is good for each generation, but it harms progress when you try to stay compatible with such old technology. I hope Vaadin keeps moving forward – it’s already out of date with Java 5 as its mainstay VM.

Pretty much all large government agencies still have sizeable IE6 bases.
See also this very sobering post:;txt

Well, Intel probably won’t sell a 10-year-old chip to anybody but a government agency. We are blessed to not have to deal with governments and all their inertia. I know many make their living in that wasteland – I was both a US Federal Employee and contractor for years.

Your link was less sobering than seemingly written by people who have been drinking too much over the past decade and would certainly drive me to drink (okay, drink a lot more!). Intel should certainly be ashamed of themselves. Governments don’t feel shame – at least not in the U.S.

Microsoft won’t sell you XP with IE6 either. Google was wise to no longer attempt to make GWT work on IE6.

Then again, if you have to suffer IE6 for your job, I feel for you especially if you’re responsible for putting modern web app like Vaadin+GWT on top of it. Good luck!