Vaadin 7 development wiki page

Is this page up to date?

In particular, I’m wondering about steps 2 and 3 which refer to cloning the GWT project, etc. since GWT is now integrated into Vaadin.

If not, can we just skip steps 2 and 3?


Step 2 in the current instructions refers to EGit and it not specific to GWT.

Steps 3 and 4 about GWT are still relevant when developing Vaadin itself: while the distributed Vaadin JARs contain all GWT code, it does come from a separate repository that allows us to better integrate fixes from and to the upstream GWT release. Then again, for 95% of Vaadin core development tasks, just having suitable GWT JARs is enough (see the note in step 3). The Vaadin and official GWT distributions are close enough to each other and fixes are integrated both ways so you can probably use either one if you don’t need all the bug fixes immediately.

I’m not sure if the step at the end about building a distribution package is still up-to-date or whether something more is required - I have only used our (closed) continuous integration system for building Vaadin JARs.