CDI - vaadin-cdi-integration - CustomComponent

Using vaadin-cdi-integration, how does one create (and instantiate from a parent view/component) a custom component class, that also wants to participate in cdi, in a scoped manner? I was looking some kind of @VaadinScoped annotation to put into a CustomComponent, but none seems to be there (yet?) in vaadin-cdi-integration.

For now, I’m doing @SessionScoped with @Inject Instance as a poor workaround until a better solution can be found.

I’m hoping that a @VaadinScoped annotation would be created such that when I @Inject MyCustomComponentThatIOnlyNeedOneOfPerUi, I’ll get a new instance that is bound to the current UI, or @Inject Instance. I’m also curious if these are the recommended ways to instantiate CustomComponent, and also wondering if there plans to be a way to even inject regular components with some kind of @Preconfigured like that seen in cdi-utils.
