Vaadin + CAS + Spring Security integration issues

An issue came up when I’m trying to integrate my Vaadin based web applications with CAS 3.5.1 using Spring Security 3.0.5. Everything works fine locally on my Windows machine, but when I tried on Linux machine, Vaadin started to complain about com.aversan.ontario.cip.tmi.widgetset.TMIWidgetset.nocache.js widgetset load failed error (javascript alert). I tested this on IE, Firefox and Chrome and found out that this problem is only happening on IE. Please help!

I noticed that CAS was trying to validate all the resources (js, css, and images) that Vaadin is trying to load on startup. So, I had to change the Spring Security configuration to not to validate against CAS.


	<bean id="springSecurityFilterChain" class="">
        <sec:filter-chain-map path-type="ant">
        	<sec:filter-chain pattern="/" filters="casAuthenticationFilter,casValidationFilter,wrappingFilter,sif,j2eePreAuthFilter,etf,fsi" />
        	<sec:filter-chain pattern="/j_spring_security_logout" filters="logoutFilter,etf,fsi" />
            <sec:filter-chain pattern="/**" filters="casAuthenticationFilter,casValidationFilter,wrappingFilter,sif,j2eePreAuthFilter,logoutFilter,etf,fsi" />


	<bean id="springSecurityFilterChain" class="">
        <sec:filter-chain-map path-type="ant">
        	<sec:filter-chain pattern="/" filters="casAuthenticationFilter,casValidationFilter,wrappingFilter,sif,j2eePreAuthFilter,etf,fsi" />
        	<sec:filter-chain pattern="/j_spring_security_logout" filters="logoutFilter,etf,fsi" />
        	<sec:filter-chain pattern="**/VAADIN/**" filters="none" />
        	<sec:filter-chain pattern="**/APP/**" filters="none" />
        	<sec:filter-chain pattern="**/UIDL*" filters="none" />
            <sec:filter-chain pattern="/**" filters="casAuthenticationFilter,casValidationFilter,wrappingFilter,sif,j2eePreAuthFilter,logoutFilter,etf,fsi" />

I’m wondering if there a timeout setting in Vaadin if the page load is slow?