Calendar date range

We are currently evaluating the Calendar addon, but there is one thing that has us scratching our heads.

When adding an event it is added to the calendar, but as you can see from the attached screenshot, it is displayed one day short.

On the screenshot, the first event ends on the 18th and the second ends on the 20th. But the coloured grey line ends on the 17th and the 19th respectively. You can also see how the rounded corners is missing on the end.

My code is using the BasicEventProvider with BasicEvents

Am I missing something?


This seems to be a problem with the Calendar component. It can also be seen in the demo application at
when adding a two-day event that ends before 11:00 pm on the second day. If the event is set to end after 11pm the event will be rendered correctly.

I created ticket
for this.