Error on GlobalResourceHandler


I am currently using Vaadin beta 9 to build up a image gallery prototype. Everything works fine but I get randomly for some images the following:

com.vaadin.server.GlobalResourceHandler error
WARNING: /APP/global/0/legacy/185/record23992.png is not a valid global resource path

I am creating the different Embedded instances to add to the CssLayout container with:

public class ThumbnailEmbedded extends Embedded

    private Item item;

    public ThumbnailEmbedded (Item item)
        super ();
        this.item = item;

    public Resource getSource ()
        final StreamResource streamResource = new StreamResource (new StreamResource.StreamSource ()
            public InputStream getStream ()
                return new ByteArrayInputStream (item.getPictureValue ().getAsJPEG (120));
        }, "record" + item.getID () + ".png");
        streamResource.setCacheTime (0);
        return streamResource;

    public String getMimeType() {
        return "image/png";


I tried to have a look on the source code of the GlobalResourceHandler and it seems that the exception occurs when the request path doesn’t contain a “key”.
But the request path of the images is the same for all (just the id changes) and this exception happens quite random and not often.

Any ideas?

I’ve also meet this exception. Looks to me as bug in Vaadin library.
Workaround is to use something more appropriate then Embedded (suggested in javadoc). Something like Image and so on.

I got this error in using SVG element, while the linked image is in the same place as the svg image:

com.vaadin.server.GlobalResourceHandler error
WARNING: Global resource legacy/0/page.png not found

My svg image is dynamically produced. Anyone has an idea what is wrong?