news ticker marquee vaadin?


Im looking for a good old html news ticker marquee add-on. I dont thing there is one - I dont know how to package one of the many existing non-vaddin ones as a vaadin add-on and beeing a strictly backend programmer I would really like to use a add-on since - thats why I use vaadin in the first place :slight_smile: to not have to figure out jquery things and all that :slight_smile:

is there a add-on some where I did not notice? Would someone be interessted in making one then, depending on $, I would consider sponsoring it if it ends up in the add-on list free afterwards.


If you’re just looking to scroll some text, would a Label in XHTML mode be enough?

new Label("<marquee>My scrolling text</marquee>", ContentType.XHTML);



actually I did not know that one :slight_smile: but also no.

  1. I would really prefer not to code HTML in labels that way. I do it sometimes to do a quick table for demo or test output or something like that but else I prefer to keep it clean
  2. (and again since I know very little about html and would like to keep it that way :smiley: and might be missing some settings here) its not very good looking, smooth and so on

I need something smooth and nice “breaking news” kind of thing - but also not completly sure what im looking for I have to say. Again since Im mixing design ideas that im not used to thinking about.

maybe its ok and I can simplt wrap it with a class of my own in java/backend

im looking into using this one - its different ofcause, completly

I’ve integrated simple smooth maquee functionality in a Vaadin 7 project as JavaScript extension for standard Label component, using JQuery marquee plugin ( for client side implementation.

Could you please share you implementation?