Rendering problem in IE 9

Hi there,

I have a panel enclosed by a modal popup window with predefined window size (can be modified by the user):

	public static Window getSearchWindow(	PersistenceManager pm,
																				CustomerSelectionListener selectionListener) {
		Window w = new Window(AdSuiteControl.getNLS("lblSearchCustomers"));

		CustomerSearchPanel csp = new CustomerSearchPanel(pm, w, selectionListener);
		return w;

My Panel (extending com.vaadin.ui.Panel) has a vertical layout. The Panel itself has width and height set to 100%, same has the layout. One of the components in that vertical layout is a table, which has an expandRatio of 1.0, thus enabling the table to consume all additional space when the user resizes the window.

This all works perfectly in Chrome, Firefox and Safari. In IE 9, although it seems to be rendered correctly, I get an error message “Aborting layout after …”. Am I doing something wrong, or this a bug?

Thanks for any help,

Forget about it, just tested with beta8 and it seems to be fixed.