IT Mill Toolkit 5.3.0 RC 6 available

…and Happy New Year!

This Release Candidate 6 for the finally stable IT Mill Toolkit 5.3.0 version contains three days worth of fixes. There’s also a minor but long-standing and often desired feature:
method for

Get it at

The RC6 is actually the first release candidate where we had 0 (zero) open defects targeted for the stable release, so we may be near! During testing we noticed one issue, which was not yet fixed. See the
up-to-date list of open tickets for RC7

The RC6 has
8 closed tickets
since RC5.

I again wish to mention the experimental
Out-of-Process Hosted Mode
, which allows you to debug client-side code with any browser, not just the special Hosted Mode Browser included in GWT. As the regular HMB has stopped working in Linux, the OOPHM is the only option for Linux users. See the Release Notes for details.

Release Notes
for the 5.3.0 are mostly unchanged from the RC5 last week.