Vaadin 7 and GWT


I have developed some GWT apps and some Vaadin 6 apps, so I know a little about both.

Vaadin 7 is supposed to be a ‘drop in replacement for GWT’ , but I don’t see this.

I develop GWT apps in two ways:

  1. Create a .html file and then I have an EntryPoint that hooks my code into the HTML
  2. I use @UiField in conjuntion with UI Binder

In vaadin 7 I need to extend com.vaadin.ui.UI, obviously this ends up being Java and not Java script ± Vaadin6’s Application

  1. So can I have ,‘UI Binder’ and html entry points in my Vaadin 7 project ?

  2. Which version of GWT does Vaadin 7 use ? 2.5.0-rc2 ?



Regarding Vaadin 7 and UiBinder, please have a look at my
. Feedback is welcome.

I was told that the GWT EntryPoint can’t be used when running a Vaadin application.

The GWT version in Vaddin 7 Beta 5 is a current 2.5.

Hope this helps,

Thanks Michael :slight_smile:

Suppose I have a current GWT app.

I want to add one page to it, generated from Vaadin. How would I do this?