IT Mill Toolkit 5.2.0 (beta) release

The IT Mill Toolkit 5.2.0 packages are available for download in
. They will appear on the download web page as well soon. On Windows, please use other than the default Zip uncompressor: use, for example, 7-Zip instead.

The release provides the following major enhancements:

  • Support for multiple applications in the same browser window
  • Support for Java Portlets
  • To speed up the loading time of applications, the default theme has been collected into a single CSS file
  • Google Web Toolkit (gwt) libraries have been updated to 1.4.62, giving improved support for IE6.
  • A large number of bug fixes.

The release includes enhancements that may break backward compatibility with existing applications.

Please follow the following instructions carefully:

  • Custom themes must inherit the default theme with the import command:
    @import “…/default/styles.css”;
  • You must update stylesheets that use the root style identifier
    in their rules to use
  • If you have embedded Toolkit Applications in a HTML page with earlier versions of IT Mill Toolkit, you must rewrite the embedding page to use new initialization code.
  • If you are have developed custom widgets, you need to update GWT libraries in classpath to GWT 1.4.62 and recompile the widgetsets.

See the Release Notes at
for details.

The 5.2.0 release still carries the beta tag to notify that the API of Toolkit Release 5 has not yet fully stabilized. There are also a number of major defects that need to be resolved. We aim for a stable release at version 5.2.2 in a couple of weeks.

We would also like to remind that IT Mill Testing Tools 1.0.0 is available for evaluation and early adoption. Please contact for more info.