Transactional properties and FieldGroups

For my application I need to implement the in a different way that the one you guys used in TransactionalPropertyWrapper. (My team uses a custom transactional system and ORM)

I would then like to use my Transactionals as wrappers of properties bound in FIeldGroups, for that I tried extending the FieldGroup but all options of fields and methods I could override to achieve my goal are private, preferably I would need to override this one:

private <T> Property.Transactional<T> wrapInTransactionalProperty(Property<T> itemProperty) {
    return new TransactionalPropertyWrapper<T>(itemProperty);

without any extension or parameterization mechanism for transactional wrapping I wonder how is this even usable. How can I have a system where all properties are commited under my transactional context?


Why would you like to implement this in a different way?

Property.Transactional is, as the javadoc states, related to Vaadin internals and not ORMs or database transactions. Its only purpose is to allow Properties to be committed to an Item so you can have an updated Item, which you can store in the database (possibly inside your own transaction) with the additional possibility of rollbacking the changes (to the Item) if the Item could not be stored in the database (e.g. due to a constraint violation).