Vaadin Portlet 2.0 with OpenText Portal 8.1


I am trying to get the “hello world” sample with Vaadin portlet 2.0 [1]
working with OpenText (formerly Vignette) Portal 8.1 aka VAP.
I have followed the instructions [2]
regarding how to deploy Vaadin portlet.

Once the portlet is deployed nothing is rendered and there is no exception thrown.

From Fiddler the last json request does not seem to provide the data.
I can confirmed the init method is invoked.

VAP modified the web.xml in order to get the portlet deployed (not sure if it is relevant).

I was able to successfully deploy the “hello world” vaadin portlet v1.0.

Any suggestion regarding this issue and how to trouleshoot it?



Running the portlet with debug mode. I get a Javascript exception:

Drag title=move, shift-drag=resize, doubleclick title=min/max.Use debug=quiet to log only to browser console.
Starting Vaadin client side engine. Widgetset: com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.DefaultWidgetSet
Widget set is built on version: 6.8.4
Warning: widgetset version 6.8.4 does not seem to match theme version
Starting application v-92de13b53864a31b733a4b0ff5e08a0c-11d21850cedb1e925639783541cd8a0c-d683793dadf00506568252cf41cd8a0c
Vaadin application servlet version: 6.8.4
Application version: NONVERSIONED
inserting load indicator
Making UIDL Request with params: init
Server visit took 47ms
JSON parsing took 0ms
Processing time was 16ms for 140 characters of JSON
Referenced paintables: 0
New window width: 1549
New window height: 751
New parent width: 286
Running layout functions due to window or parent resize

JavaScriptException: (TypeError): ‘v’ is null or not an object number: -2146823281 description: ‘v’ is null or not an object