Vaadin 7 beta 4 released

Reworked themes and Sass support

Sass support has been improved a lot in this version and makes it possible to do advanced theming in a simple way. You can use it to combine themes, import one component from some theme and the rest from another, remove all styles from a component and start theming from scratch (or from the base theme) and much more. This all in addition to the basic features of Sass such as variables and mixins. To support all this, the Base and Reindeer themes have been restructured for beta4. Chameleon and Runo will follow.

For more (technical) information, see the
mini tutorials

OSGi support

OSGi support has been improved and all modules in Vaadin 7 beta 4 now define exports and imports/requirements for OSGi environments.

Proxy server support

URL handling has been pretty heavily refactored for beta 4 to enable running Vaadin applications behind a proxy server. To support this the framework uses relative URLs for all operations.

API changes

BrowserDetails has been removed. Use Page.getWebBrowser() or Page.getFragment() where you have used BrowserDetails methods.

Page.getLocation has been added, providing the location in the address bar of the browser.

Eclipse Plug-in improved

The Eclipse Plug-in now supports Vaadin 7 versions better and provides a separate wizard for creating Vaadin 7 projects. Remember to use the experimental update site to test it.

Dependencies extracted

Part of the dependencies which were previously bundled within the vaadin jars have been extracted and are now defined as external dependencies instead. In the long run, this will reduce the size of the Vaadin jars.

For short examples on how to use the new features, check out the Vaadin 7 mini tutorials:

For information on how to migrate from Vaadin 6 to Vaadin 7, see

This is an beta release so we expect there to be bugs. We will no longer be making large new features but finalization of the current features might still affect API in some places. All your comments on the new features are welcome. Please post all Vaadin 7 related comments in the Vaadin 7 category.

does still points to beta 3, for impatient, beta 4 is here

When I try to compile a custom widgetset, I get the following error…

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/gwt/thirdparty/guava/common/collect/Lists

Please verify that you have vaadin-shared-deps-1.0.0.jar on the widgetset compiler’s classpath. The library should automatically be included if using e.g. Maven or a recent experimental build of the Vaadin Eclipse plugin. If you’re managing the classpath yourself, the file can be found in the lib directory in the beta4 release zip file.

Just a quick note - there are multiple versions of commons lang and logging in the lib folder, my guess is the older versions should be removed?


Thank you for the notice.
has been created for doing something about this.