Can one adjust the predefined zoom-ranges for timelines in charts?

I am “playing” with the Vaadin charts library to display my monitoring data. It’s quite impressive what one gets almost “out-of-the-box” with that library. :slight_smile:

For my data I am using a line chart combined with a timeline. The latter is a very nice and powerful widget allowing to zoom in on an interesting range very quickly and easily.

When a timeline is displayed then in the upper left there is a Zoom widget displayed that offers the choices “1m 3m 6m YTD 1y All”. These ranges are obviously predefined with stock market data in mind where these unit might make sense.

For my application I would rather have predefined settings for 1h(our), 1d(ay), 1w(eek), 1m(onth), last 24hrs, and maybe a few others.
Is it possible to adjust these settings? I googled around but didn’t find anything on how to adjust this widget.