Custom CSS style for Vaadin 14 (no compatibility mode) - Spring boot

I have tried to put the custom CSS file into a frontend folder in project root (same level as src/main/java).
I’m using a spring boot project

In addition I use


I try to load the CSS on my composite

public class TaskComposer extends Composite<VerticalLayout> implements ItemListener {

The custom style just tries to colorize the toggle button of a Vaadin select component

<dom-module id="script-selection" theme-for="vaadin-select">

But it does not work for me. When I use the compatibility mode and import the same style in the HTML file, then it works.
For reference:

public class TaskComposer extends Composite<VerticalLayout> implements ItemListener {

The toggle-button.html file is located at



Without the compatibility mode, your frontend resources are located by default in the frontend folder in the root of the project.
Your old html code like this can be converted:

<dom-module id="script-selection" theme-for="vaadin-select">

To a css file in the frontend folder styles/toggle-button.css:


And you can import it @CssImport(value = "./styles/toggle-button.css", theme-for="vaadin-select")

You probably just forgot the theme-for.

@Jean-Christophe Gueriaud

Thank you so much - works nice