TypeError in Safari

I’m doing a quick prototype of Stripe elements (https://stripe.com/docs/js).

It seems to load and run just fine and I can create payment tokens, but it breaks Vaadin in the process. Run the code below and when you open the page in Safari and click the Select component I get the error:

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this._items[this._menuElement.selected]

The same page in Chrome and Firefox does not produce the TypeError. Vaadin is 14.4.2.

Any suggestions to what might cause this? Initially I thought it was an issue with Stripe.js, but after realizing that the TypeError doesn’t occur in Chrome or Firefox, nor does it happen if I mount stripe.js manually (see below), I wonder if this is something else or an issue in Vaadin.

@Route(value = "stripe-connect")
public class StripeConnect extends Composite<Div> {

	public StripeConnect() {

		// Add select component. The select "breaks" when Stripe.js is mounted.
		Select<String> select = new Select<>("Select Something");
		select.setItems("Item A", "Item B", "Item C");

		// Instructions
		Div instructions = new Div(new Span("Hint: use 4111 1111 1111 1111 as the card number."));

		// Add element to contain the stripe elements fields
		Div cardElement = new Div();

		// initialize stripe.js and mount to card element
		String js = "var style = {\n" + "  base: {\n" + "    color: '#32325d',\n"
				+ "    fontFamily: '\"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, sans-serif',\n"
				+ "    fontSmoothing: 'antialiased',\n" + "    fontSize: '16px',\n" + "    '::placeholder': {\n"
				+ "      color: '#aab7c4'\n" + "    }\n" + "  },\n" + "  invalid: {\n" + "    color: '#fa755a',\n"
				+ "    iconColor: '#fa755a'\n" + "  }\n" + "};\n" + ""
				+ "$0.stripe = Stripe('pk_test_1DU6AgiPLPgyzdgvhHy3jTVb');\n" + "var elements = $0.stripe.elements();"
				+ "$0.card = elements.create('card', {style: style});\n"
				+ "var cardElement = document.getElementById('cardelement');\n" + "$0.card.mount(cardElement);\n";
		UI.getCurrent().getPage().executeJs(js, this.getElement());

		// Create payment token based on user input
		Button btnSubmit = new Button("Submit", e -> {
			UI.getCurrent().getPage().executeJs("console.log('card=' + $0.card);", this.getElement());

			String submitJs = "  $0.stripe.createToken($0.card).then(function(result) {\n" + "    if (result.error) {\n"
					+ "        alert('ERROR: ' + result.error.message);\n" + "      } else {\n"
					+ "      alert('OK token='+ result.token.id);\n" + "    }\n" + "  });\n";

			UI.getCurrent().getPage().executeJs(submitJs, this.getElement());



The TypeError does not happen if Stripe elements is mounted later (e.g. by clicking a button).

		getContent().add(new Button("Mount Stripe Elements", e -> {
			UI.getCurrent().getPage().executeJs(js, this.getElement());
