Add IF to grid for Icon

How can I add the ‘If’ in this code.

grid.addColumn(new ComponentRenderer<>(e -> {
            Icon recycle = new Icon(VaadinIcon.RECYCLE);
            recycle.addClickListener(event -> callVoid(e));
            return recycle;

I want

grid.addColumn(new ComponentRenderer<>(e -> {

			if(e.getName().equals("")) // new Icon(VaadinIcon.RECYCLE);
			not: new Icon(VaadinIcon.OPEN_BOOK);

            Icon recycle = new Icon(VaadinIcon.RECYCLE);
            recycle.addClickListener(event -> callVoid(e));
            return recycle;

Could you describe your problem a bit more, I do not understand what is the question.

Thanks, I have received the answer already.