Vaadin Notification only appears for on 1 users page

I am running a Jboss Application Server that is using the Vaadin 7.0 Plugin for Eclipse. My code checks for these alarms on a 10 second timer, and will issue the notification. If two people are actively on the same page, only 1 user receives all the notifications, but everything else continues to run. Below is my code.

				String warnHeader = "Alarm";
				String warnMessage = "This is the alarm message";
				Notification warn = new Notification(warnHeader, warnMessage);

Is there anything that will ensure that each user who accesses the page receives their own notification?

That Page.getCurrent() points to one specific browser instance. A single component can also only appear in one browser. Without knowing anything more, it sounds like you’d need some kind of Broadcaster like mentioned here in the docs: