Disable Heartbeat Requests


So vaadin sends heartbeat requests to the security provider server where they are blocked by cors policy and the connection is lost. They refuse to do anything about it.
Is there anyway to disable these heartbeat requests?

Thank you

Setting the heartbeat interval to 0 should disable heartbeat. See more here: https://vaadin.com/docs/flow/advanced/tutorial-all-vaadin-properties.html

I need to disable heartbeat, I tried setting the property to 0 but this causes a refresh for every interaction on the page. Is there any way to disable them?
I am using vaadin 14 with springboot

Olli Tietäväinen:
Setting the heartbeat interval to 0 should disable heartbeat. See more here: https://vaadin.com/docs/flow/advanced/tutorial-all-vaadin-properties.html

I need to disable heartbeat, I tried setting the property to 0 but this causes a refresh for every interaction on the page. Is there any way to disable them? I am using vaadin 14 with springboot