How to get a new Vaadin Flow project using plain Java Servlet technology wi

The new Starter page:

…no longer offers a “Plain Java Servlet” option. The project generated there is configured for Spring.

I do not want Spring. I do not want CDI. I want to use Vaadin Flow 16, or preferably the 17 prerelease, using only plain Java Servlet technology.

Is Spring now required for Vaadin? Or is there a way to get start a new Vaadin Flow project without Spring/CDI?

You can download the Skeleton Starter For Vaadin project folder that was previously made available on that Start page on web site.


From Code pop-up menu on this page:

…download ZIP of complete Vaadin 17 project folder.


The Vaadin Ltd team maintains the skeleton-starter for Vaadin 17 on GitHub. But, oddly enough, they then hide this work by not providing any link on their Start page.

  1. Visit the [Skeleton Starter for Vaadin]
    ( page on
  2. Click the branches link above the list of files.
  3. In the Search branches field on the upper-right, enter 17.
  4. Click the v17 link.
  5. Verify in the blue-tinted bar the phrase Update Vaadin 17.0.6 or some such version of Vaadin 17.
  6. On the green pop-up menu labeled Code, choose Download ZIP.
  7. Uncompress the downloaded zip file, producing a folder named skeleton-starter-flow-17.
  8. Rename the folder to your desered project name.
  9. Open the project within your favorite IDE such as IntelliJ, NetBeans, or Eclipse.
  10. Edit the Maven POM file with your desired version of Java, along with the groupId, artifactId, and name elements.

Run your project as you normally do.

![Screenshot of Skeleton Starter Flow page for Vaadin 17]