Can you customize the text at Vaadin Component Upload?

Hello Community,
Are you somehow able to customize the Vaadin Upload Component? I tried:

	upload.getDropLabel().getElement().setText("Datei hier ablegen");

but that returns an NullPointerException.

I also tried to set the Elements like that:

	upload.setUploadButton(new Button("Hochladen"));
	upload.setDropLabel(new Label("Datei hier ablegen"));

but then then functionality was gone.

Is there a working way?


Your second approach should at least work. That is, the following:

upload.setUploadButton(new Button("Hochladen"));
upload.setDropLabel(new Label("Datei hier ablegen"));

Should work fine (as of Vaadin 14.2.2 at least).

Tarek Oraby:
Your second approach should at least work. That is, the following:

upload.setUploadButton(new Button("Hochladen"));
upload.setDropLabel(new Label("Datei hier ablegen"));

Should work fine (as of Vaadin 14.2.2 at least).

Thanks - suddendly it works :slight_smile: Maybe the target-Folder wasn’t cleaned or sth