Unable to load static resource(css, js, ..) in vaadin quarkus framework bui

while implement vaadin(14.2) with quarkus(1.15.0.Final) framework, static resources(css, js, images, etc…) are not getting loaded.
Do we have an example with quarkus framework, if so please share the resources(Docs…). Here is the same sample github reproducing project to demonstrate the above said problem.


run Commands:
$. mvn clean install && mvn compile quarkus:dev -pl ui

Do we have an example with quarkus framework.

There is one here: https://github.com/moewes/quarkus-vaadin-lab

Tarek Oraby:

Do we have an example with quarkus framework.

There is one here: https://github.com/moewes/quarkus-vaadin-lab

Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes, I have already gone through the said link, but it is not helpfully. It doesn’t load any external static resources and it is running in compatability mode. But i was looking for npm mode, vaadin 14+, where i can use CssImport and JsImport annotations.

In such case please try out the https://github.com/mvysny/vaadin-quarkus/ example project.