Vaadin evaluation

Hi everyone
I started evaluating Vaadin to understand if I can use it to convert my applications developed with Servlet and Jsp and make them evolve in the new world of PWA.

Vaadin seems to me a complete and powerful framework, but I have some doubts to solve before adopting it, so I need the help of expert people:

  • graphic layout for mobile: I was unable to find examples and components that offer a UI \ UX as a real mobile application. I have seen that the components are responsive, but they don’t offer the true mobile user experience;
  • Report designer: in the development of management applications, such as ERP \ CRM, it is essential to have a tool for printing data, but I have not seen;
  • Example with push-notification: PWAs should also offer a push-notification system, but I have not found any example of this type;
  • Off-line example: PWAs should also allow this functionality, but I have not found an example;
  • Geo Localization example: even here I have not found any example;

I rate the professional version of Vaadin.

Thank you in advance for the answers

Hi Roberto!

Graphic layout for mobile
Can you elaborate a little bit more on what you mean by “they don’t offer the true mobile user experience”? What kind of additional changes would you like to see to make it feel like a true mobile experience? Check out TaskMob demo ( and Business App Starter ( for examples with mobile optimizations. There is also App Layout component which you can build mobile aware main layouts.

Report designer
We don’t sadly have this right now, but I added a note to Vaadin’s feedback tool that you requested it.

Push notifications

We are building out a client-centric development model with Vaadin 15+. There’s an experimental offline example at On the roadmap, there is under Vaadin 18: “View app while offline (for Typescript users)”

Geo location
Check out the Geolocation add-on here: I’ve noted that you’d like to see a feature like this in Vaadin.