Upgrading 15 to 16 : ERROR  No matching version found for @vaadin/vaadin-sh

This error orrucs when launching springboot app:

Using hooks from: C:\Workspace\intellij\sise-the-future\pnpmfile.js
readPackage hook is declared. Manifests of dependencies might get overridden
Resolving: total 18, reused 0, downloaded 0
Resolving: total 34, reused 0, downloaded 15
Resolving: total 36, reused 0, downloaded 17
ERROR  No matching version found for @vaadin/vaadin-shrinkwrap@16.0.0

The latest release of @vaadin/vaadin-shrinkwrap is "15.0.6".

Other releases are:
  * next: 16.0.0-rc2
  * latest-14: 14.2.0
  * latest-15: 15.0.6

If you need the full list of all 127 published versions run "$ pnpm view @vaadin/vaadin-shrinkwrap versions".
2020-06-04 07:18:45.550 ERROR 2868 --- [onPool-worker-3]
 c.v.f.s.frontend.TaskUpdatePackages      : >>> Dependency ERROR. Check that all required dependencies are deployed in pnpm repositories.

I resolve it :

  • delete node folder