How to download Corretto 11 jre or does it exist?

Hi, I am using windows 10. My knowledge to Java is up to Java 8 or oracle JDK. I have very good memory of GWT 12 years ago and now start to learn Vaadin. In the e-book titled “Modern web app development in Java”, it says to download Intellij and Corretto 11. But I could not find Corretto 11 jre which I need to configure Intellij. Are there Corretto 11 jre for windows 10? If yes, where I could download jre?

From a language point of view not much has changed since 8 so you can easily stick to that.

If you want to change provides a list of JDKs and JREs to download.

Just FYI:

From a JRE point of view it has changed. You can now use Oracle Java (with its own license) or use the “open” ones:

All these open ones have a more liberal license than the Oracle one. Normally, you won’t notice a difference using them.

One very interesting thing is DCEVM at:
It can integrate most code changes dynamically while running the application so you don’t have to restart every time you change something in your code. Just like the commercial JRebel.
