UncheckedIOException in com.vaadin.flow.server

I’m occasionally getting the following exception

Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet]
 in context with path [] threw exception [com.vaadin.flow.server.ServiceException: java.io.UncheckedIOException: Failed to store the icon image into the stream provided]
 with root cause

Is anyone else seeing this?

The PWA icon needs to be served in multiple sizes (e.g. PNG 64x64, PNG 32x32 etc). The read/resize/serve process may take a long time (100 - 1000ms), thus Vaadin caches these images upfront.

Failed to store the icon image into the stream provided

This happens around PwaIcon:232 when Vaadin fails to write the resized PNG icon. There is the cause exception stored in ioe which may be vital to know; is it perhaps logged in your log? If not, please try to place a breakpoint there.