How to adjust CSS for a v14 MenuBar component?

I’ve gone through the documentation on theming I still cant find a clear example of how to adjust css properties for a standard vaadin component like MenuBar. I’m aware that these can’t happen in a global stylehseet, so where can I find an example where someone makes a change to the CSS of an existing component like Button, MenuBar, TabSheet, etc?

We’ve been rewriting the documentation for themes and styling lately. It’s not yet published, but you can preview it at (heads up, the search is not functional)

This might be a little unfair, but I’m asking if you would be willing to try out the new documentation, and see if that helps you achieve what you need to do? I would appreciate if you did, and reported back how it went.

But, if you are short on time, I’ll add some quick pointers below.













I’m assuming you are using Flow and server-side views/components (Java). For those, you can use the @CssImport annotation to add component-specific style sheets.

There are three different components that make up the MenuBar as a whole. The main <vaadin-menu-bar> component, which contains <vaadin-menu-bar-button> elements (the root level items). Then there’s the <vaadin-menu-bar-submenu> component, which extends <vaadin-context-menu>. Therefore, the actual visible popup menu elements in the DOM will be the same as for a context menu, that is, <vaadin-context-menu-overlay and <vaadin-context-menu-item>

Add these annotations to your main layout class, for example.

@CssImport(value = "styles/menu-bar.css", themeFor= "vaadin-menu-bar")
@CssImport(value = "styles/menu-bar-button.css", themeFor= "vaadin-menu-bar-button")
@CssImport(value = "styles/menu-bar-submenu.css", themeFor= "vaadin-context-menu-overlay")
@CssImport(value = "styles/menu-bar-submenu-item.css", themeFor= "vaadin-context-menu-item")

Place the .css files in the /frontend/styles folder.

In the style sheet, write selectors that match the stylable parts of each component. For example,


:host {
  /* Styles that affect the root level menu buttons */


  /* Styles that affect overlay popup container. Note, that this will affect all context menus, not just the menu bar. */

I hope that helps you get on the right track!

Thanks Jouni, the new documentation is looking great.

Thanks Jouni, that helped a ton. The part that was especially confusing is the syntax for referencing properties of the host element.

“:host” almost looks like a css pseudo element selector, but it doesn’t operate like one. To reference properties of the host you have to do :host([attr=“val”]
) which doesn’t even feel like css :).

But either way, I’ve gotten past my current issues and I have a much better understanding of the interaction between CSS and the shadow dom elements.