disable minifing and bundling of the fornt end files


I am using


but I would like to disable the minify and bundling to better debug…

already tried:


also tried:


also tried…


none worked though…

how should I do this?



I think without changing the settings you can debug the javascript/css.

Are you running the application in production mode or development mode?

Perhaps your pom.xml is not correct.

In development mode you should have:

                Take care of synchronizing java dependencies and imports in
                package.json and main.js files.
                It also creates webpack.config.js if not exists yet.

And production mode:

            <!-- Production mode is activated using -Pproduction -->



but if in dev I use only prepare-frontend will it still work on IE11 ?

I was under the impression that build-fronted is the one that handles transpilation ans such.

Hi, I’m not sure if you need the production mode in vaadin 14 to use it in internet explorer. But I think it should work in dev . Are you trying to fix a bug which is only on internet explorer?