dropeffect always null

attaching DragAndDrop to a component (actually a VerticalLayout) I don’t receive the drop effect it return always null:

val dropTarget = DropTarget.create(serverBox)
                dropTarget.addDropListener { it ->
                    // move the dragged component to inside the drop target component
                    val msg = when (it.dropEffect) {
                        DropEffect.NONE -> "none"
                        DropEffect.COPY -> "copy"
                        DropEffect.LINK -> "link"
                        DropEffect.MOVE -> "move"
                        else -> "null"


software stack: spring boot, vaadin14, kotlin

Sounds like a bug, as according to https://vaadin.com/docs/v14/flow/dnd/drop-target.html#controlling-the-drop-with-drop-effect :

… not setting a drop effect for a drop target will allow either the drag source or the user to determine the drop effect.

. Could you please create a ticket with steps to reproduce here: https://github.com/vaadin/flow/issues/new ?

Olli Tietäväinen:
Sounds like a bug, as according to https://vaadin.com/docs/v14/flow/dnd/drop-target.html#controlling-the-drop-with-drop-effect :

… not setting a drop effect for a drop target will allow either the drag source or the user to determine the drop effect.

. Could you please create a ticket with steps to reproduce here: https://github.com/vaadin/flow/issues/new ?
