Vaadin Microservices

Is there any way to make the vaadin business app starter ( as a Microservice and register it to eureka through zuul? Anyone?
I don’t understand how should I carry on the mappings.

P.S :- I have converted the project to @SpringBootApplication.
I just don’t

Did you look these tutorials?


Hector Licea:
Did you look these tutorials?


Yes sir,
I have looked upon those tutorials and the microservice is getting registered properly to the eureka and zuul. The main problem I am facing right now that I am not able to properly map the microservice as it should be. Let me show you my code.
1.) This is the app’s config file(43).
2.) This is the app’s main class(44).
3.) This is the first activity to be called(45).


You need to access the application using the Gateway (Zuul), right? What is the configuration of Zuul? Do you have the route defined?

The problem has been solved there were some wrong configs installed by me.
By the way Thanks Hector for your time and advice. :slight_smile:

You are welcome. By the way, if you are using spring boot 2, I suggest using Spring Cloud Gateway instead of Zuul.