How can I update the url without navigating?

Hi All,

Is there a way to update the url without calling navigate?
For example, i would navigate to and then wish to update it to without calling the navigate to method.

Hi Yusuf,

You can do it like this:

UI.getCurrent().getPage().getHistory().pushState(null, "");

Mehdi Javan:
Hi Yusuf,

You can do it like this:

UI.getCurrent().getPage().getHistory().pushState(null, "");

Much appreciated. I did read the documentation, but it wasn’t clear enough.

May I ask what you would change in or add to [the History API document]
( Your feedback help us improve it.

Mehdi Javan:
May I ask what you would change in or add to [the History API document]
( Your feedback help us improve it.

Hi Mehdi,

I did not associate history api with the current url. I associated history with managing the previous states of the application.
According to the documentation.

The History API allows you to access the browser navigation history from the server-side.

I guess it boils to down to the definition of history.