Vaadin flow (14) TreeGrid, setClassNameGenerator doesn't work at all

I have a TreeGrid, and I would make the expandable row (which contains an aggregated row) to stay out with bold text.

wiGrid.addColumn(TankInventory::getFull).setHeader(“Full (%)”).setSortable(false).setClassNameGenerator(iv → “bold”);
wiGrid.cellClassNameGenerator(iv → “bold”);

none of these work
when checking the cell with developer tools, the cell entry looks like:
<vaadin-grid-cell-content slot="vaadin-grid-cell-content-3">300.0</vaadin-grid-cell-content>

the className I gave to row/cell is not present anywhere

Please note, that I am completely off to html or javascript, so I can utilize only Java api solutions.
(the bold class already exists, and I can make the cell look bold with developer tool and edit the tag’s class value)

(this was just working with Vaadin7/8 without hassle)

<td id="vaadin-grid-cell-1" tabindex="0" role="gridcell" part="cell body-cell" first-column="" reorder-status="undefined" aria-selected="false" class="bold" style="width: 144px;flex-grow: 1;order: 10010000; " aria-expanded="false"><slot name="vaadin-grid-cell-content-1"></slot></td>

Now I found my ‘bold’ classname in the DOM… under a #shadow-root
so, I guess the css I defined in the main DOM doesn’t work in the shadow, which is separated from the rest of the DOM.

you need to import the css with the style definitions for .bold { ... } into the component scope of the grid, as it’s described [here]

Edit: new docs for styling and themeing:

@CssImport(value = "./styles/boldGridColumn.css", themeFor = "vaadin-grid") instead of @CssImport("./styles/boldGridColumn.css")

<td id="vaadin-grid-cell-1" tabindex="0" role="gridcell" part="cell body-cell" first-column="" reorder-status="undefined" aria-selected="false" class="bold" style="width: 144px;flex-grow: 1;order: 10010000; " aria-expanded="false"><slot name="vaadin-grid-cell-content-1"></slot></td>

Now I found my ‘bold’ classname in the DOM… under a #shadow-root
so, I guess the css I defined in the main DOM doesn’t work in the shadow, which is separated from the rest of the DOM.

thanks @Kaspar it works!


I have a strange situation. I am using Vaadin bom 14.1.28.

I followed this approach, and it works (initially).

However, if I refresh the browser (Ctrl-F5) the css classes are not present anymore in the shadow-dom style, hence the style is not applied to the grid.

Anotation above my wrapping component

@CssImport(value = "./styles/cms-statecomparison.css", themeFor = "vaadin-grid")

The content of my css:

@charset "ISO-8859-1";

.cms-statecomparison {
    width: 100%;

	background-color: #aaFFaa;

	background-color: #bbddff;

	background-color: #FFbbbb;

What I see initially in the style of the shadow-dom:

<style>@keyframes vaadin-grid-appear {
to {
  opacity: 1;


:host {
  display: block;
      animation: 1ms vaadin-grid-appear;
      height: 400px;
      flex: 1 1 auto;
      align-self: stretch;
      position: relative;

) [part~="cell"]
 ::slotted(vaadin-grid-cell-content) {
  white-space: normal;

.cms-statecomparison {
  width: 100%;

  background-color: #aaFFaa;

  background-color: #bbddff;

  background-color: #FFbbbb;


After the refresh:

<style>@keyframes vaadin-grid-appear {
to {
  opacity: 1;


:host {
  display: block;
      animation: 1ms vaadin-grid-appear;
      height: 400px;
      flex: 1 1 auto;
      align-self: stretch;
      position: relative;

) [part~="cell"]
 ::slotted(vaadin-grid-cell-content) {
  white-space: normal;
