Unable to Start Up Vaadin 14 application. BreanManager not Found

Hello Team!

I’ve tried to create a new Vaadin Project by using https://start.vaadin.com/
After setting up eclipse 2019, installing JDK and JRE 1.8 and linking NodeJS and NPM onto POM.XML file, I’ve finally started up the server without any exceptions!
Although upon opening the URL to my project (localhost:8080/example-project) an excpetion was thrown:

`SEVERE: Allocate exception for servlet [com.vaadin.cdi.CdiServletDeployer]

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager`

I’ve tried cleaning my project and server, as well as updating the maven project.
And also tried to use a later version of Javax, although I’ve come to no avail.

I’ve also asked this same question on StackOverflow, with a bit more detail.

Seems like you are using CDI, are you running on a JavaEE server? E.g. Tomcat has no CDI support, TomEE has

Artur Signell:
Seems like you are using CDI, are you running on a JavaEE server? E.g. Tomcat has no CDI support, TomEE has

Thank you for pointing that out, indeed I am using Tomcat v8.0
Is there a way to set-up the project so that it works on Tomcat?