How to Locate a particular place in GMap

Hi Henri,

I want to plot a particular location in GMap using vaadin Gmap addon . The Location may change from user to user. SO Need to display tht Particular location in GMap.

please Give a sample code for this implementation. Anyone who knows this can give ur idea suggestion or code. Your Help is Appreciatable.
Waiting for reply.
Thanks in Advance.

You mean something like this?


My Requirement is, I will get the place name from user and need to display the location in GMap. right now, i saw only like we are sending latitude and longitude values rather than actual place value using vaadin GoogleMap addon and displaying Gmap. so By using geolocator or by some means i want to map the particular location in vaadin Gmap. please give a sample code for tht issue.
Note : This is a urgent isue, please some one help me or reply to this post.