Styling TreeGrid

I am using Vaadin 14.0.7 and I would like to style any column of a TreeGrid assigning different styles depending of a property value.
I have created a TreeGrid that is used like a menu, and is parametrized with the class “MyColumn” that has an integer attribute “type” that can have 3 possible values (0,1,2).
Depending on the values of “type” I want to assing a class name for styling. For instance, here is a brief snipped of code

public class ProgramMenu extends TreeGrid<MyColumn> {
    public void reload(List<MyColumn> lMyColumn) {
	   //..Some stuff ..//
							String cssClass="";
							switch(m.getType()) {
								case 0: cssClass="edu-main-menu-submenu"; break; //Submenu
								case 1: cssClass="edu-main-menu-action" ; break; //Action
								default:cssClass="edu-main-menu-form";           //	Form
							System.out.println("Generate menu first column style class....."+ cssClass);
							return cssClass;
			//.. more stuff ..//		

When loading the TreeGrid columns, I can see in the console this message in every row that is loaded in the grid

Generate menu first column style

But the styles are not applied to any row.

What am I doing wrong?

I have also tried this code without any success

  1. Apliying this method to the ProgramMenu class
				String cssClass="";
				switch(m.getType()) {
					case 0: cssClass="edu-main-menu-submenu"; break; //Submenu
					case 1: cssClass="edu-main-menu-action" ; break; //Action
					default:cssClass="edu-main-menu-form";           //	Form
				System.out.println("Generate menu first column style class....."+ cssClass);
				return cssClass;
  1. Using another class
this.setClassNameGenerator(new MenuFirstColumnClassGenerator())

and this class is:

public class MenuFirstColumnClassGenerator implements SerializableFunction<MyColumn, String> {
	public String apply(MyColumn baseMenuItem) {
		String cssClass="";
		switch(baseMenuItem.getType()) {
			case 0: cssClass="edu-main-menu-submenu"; break; //Submenu
			case 1: cssClass="edu-main-menu-action" ; break; //Action
			default:cssClass="edu-main-menu-form";           //	Form
		System.out.println("Generate menu first column style class....."+ cssClass);
		return cssClass;

I have realized that “TreeGrid.addComponentColumn” accepts a Html object as parameter. So while no solution is provided, I have decided to set the “hierarchical column” to an empty value “”, and using the “TreeGrid.addComponentColumn” to fill the tree grid with info and styles

this.addHierarchyColumn(m->"").setWidth("1px");                        // Assign and empty value 
this.addComponentColumn(new MenuFirstColumnValueAndClassGenerator());  // Use the second column as the first column substitute

and for the time being, this workaround solves the problem