Vaadin on OSGI and compatibility mode

Dear all,

We are using Vaadin in an OSGI environment (JBoss Fuse). We migrated from V13 to V14 and we saw that V14 can only run in compatibility mode as explained on GitHub ( : At the moment, Vaadin 14 supports OSGi only in compatibility mode.
When can we expect to run in non-compatibility mode? Is-there already a ticket opened for that?

We also observed big slowness on Internet Explorer, could-it be linked to the compatibility mode ?

Thank you for your help!

\u0000Hi!\n\nThe ticket to follow is: \n\nCurrently it is not on top of the prioarity list, but we hope to get that done too at some point. Currently can’t make any estimates when. General improvements to the new npm build are the priority currently and then we’ll continue on some sponsored features (which is BTW a good way to get features like this on top of our priority list \uD83D\uDE09).\n\nVaadin 14 shouldn’t be any slower than V13. Especially the bower mode should be almost the same. If you think there is a performance regression, please report that via GitHub and let’s see what is wrong.\n\ncheers,\nmatti