Charts Runtime error

I am not sure why this is the case I literally copied a class code from one project to another and the only difference between the two projects is that the one that works is 8.8.2 and the one that fails is giving me the following Error when I try to 'View Artifact Details" in NetBeans 8.0.2. I n addition I get a No Class found error for com/vaadin/addon/charts/Model/series

Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:

 Failed to determine Java version for profile jdk8 @ com.vaadin:vaadin-charts-parent:4.2.0, C:\Users\Papa\.m2\repository\com\vaadin\vaadin-charts-parent\4.2.0\vaadin-charts-parent-4.2.0.pom, line 240, column 22
 Failed to determine Java version for profile jdk9 @ com.vaadin:vaadin-charts-parent:4.2.0, C:\Users\Papa\.m2\repository\com\vaadin\vaadin-charts-parent\4.2.0\vaadin-charts-parent-4.2.0.pom, line 262, column 22
 for project