Styling TreeGrid hierarchy column

Is there some way of styling a hierarchy column? If I do something like


I get the hierarchy but can’t add styles(?)

and If I do

		addColumn(new ComponentRenderer<>(...));

I can’t use setHierarchyColumn(String);

I also tried reverse-engineering addHierarchyColumn like

        Column<TheNode> column = addColumn(TemplateRenderer
                .<TheNode> of("<vaadin-grid-tree-toggle "
                        + "leaf='[[item.leaf]
]' expanded='{{expanded}}' type='[[item.type]
]' level='[[level]
                        + "</vaadin-grid-tree-toggle>")
                .withProperty("type", item -> item.getType())
                        item -> !getDataCommunicator().hasChildren(item))
                        value -> value.getName()));

but the type never shows up in the DOM

If you use css, the web component as you have found is vaadin-grid-tree-toggle. So you need to have theme module like

@CssImport(value=“treegrid.css” themeFor=“vaadin-grid-tree-toggle”)

And in treegrid.css you can target the styles to part “toggle” if you want to style the toggle icon, and the text is in the slot.

Actually, I’m not using web components, just trying to copy the code that is in addHierarchyColumn and modify that but I can’t make any changes appear in the DOM

Tatu Lund:
If you use css, the web component as you have found is vaadin-grid-tree-toggle. So you need to have theme module like

@CssImport(value=“treegrid.css” themeFor=“vaadin-grid-tree-toggle”)

And in treegrid.css you can target the styles to part “toggle” if you want to style the toggle icon, and the text is in the slot.

Where can I find any working example of this? Thanks