Why is so difficult setting up Vaadin 14?

I’m kinda new in Vaadin and I think it’s fantastic but I can’t code because I can’t set it up even if I’ve followed the step-by-step tutorial. I tried to set up Vaadin 14 in Netbeans 8.2 but it’s very difficult because there are a lot of errors in the console outputs.
First of all I downloaded the starter with Vaadin 14 and Spring Boot, once downloaded I opened it in NB and I pressed clean and build on the project.
I’ve pressed run project (I didn’t changed the run application like said in the guide because it gave me an error in the jetty) and:

npm WARN tarball tarball data for highcharts@6.1.4 (sha512-m7uK2dvDmop4wAgB7RQjODS894HqNrxRUJh+Px7n1PsNyb7+aO22cRxx2rhvjmy1R8Q3Tf5I03AbjN5oAYyWSw==) seems to be corrupted. Trying one more time.
npm WARN tarball tarball data for highcharts@6.1.4 (sha512-m7uK2dvDmop4wAgB7RQjODS894HqNrxRUJh+Px7n1PsNyb7+aO22cRxx2rhvjmy1R8Q3Tf5I03AbjN5oAYyWSw==) seems to be corrupted. Trying one more time.
npm WARN no-name@ No repository field.

I’ve installed the nodejs from the site provided and I cannot understand the error can someone help me please?
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