Vaadin Chart using the latest Highcharts 7

It is very bad that Vaadin Chart is still using HightCharts 4. Now the latest Highcharts is 7. I want to use Highcharts 7 in my production.

A week ago, I try to upgrade my local Vaadin chart to use HighCharts 7 and I give it up because I have to replace some GWT-related classes from Vaadin. I do appreciate it if Vaadin developers can upgrade that part for us.


This is very unlikely to happen due to the huge amount of work involved. Also, what particular feature do you want to use?

Also, you can easily integrate the library yourself with a very thin layer that only exposes the functions that you need. See for more information.

I purchased commercial license of Vaadin Chart. If update to the latest Highcharts is not possible, I was stuck with the old Vaadin chart. I think Vaadin should put some manpower to solve this issue to make your customers confident about your product.


Hi James. We’ve been over the years upping the version of HighCharts/HighStock in Vaadin Charts, but the updated version has been in new major version, targeted towards the newest framework version.

Each time we’ve adopted a newer version of HighStock, it has been a quite big project. We adapt the full Java API to match the latest feature and API changes, and implement the new features. For example HighCharts 6 migrated from json styling to css styling and new chart types have been added in many releases. Due to the workload with updating one version of Vaadin Charts to the latest, we have not had the manpower available to migrate all Charts versions targeted to previous framework versions to match the latest HighCharts versions. Thus, upgrading Vaadin 8 Charts to newer versions of HighCharts is not on the roadmap currently. Charts 4 was upgraded last month to HighStock 4.2.7, to get the latest bugfixes from the HighStock 4.x branch.

I understand that this is an inconvenience for you, and I’m sorry for that. I hope you can come along to newer versions of Vaadin down the line, to get the latest features and benefits of the framework and the components.

Vaadin version | Java Charts | vaadin-charts | Highstock
14.0.1         | 7.0.1       | 6.2.3         | 6.1.4
13.0.3         | 6.3.0       | 6.2.3         | 6.1.4
12.0.0         | 6.2.2       | 6.2.1         | 6.1
11.0.4         | 6.1.0       | 6.1.0         | 6.1
10.0.9         | 6.0.2       | 6.0.1         | 5.0
FW8            | 4.2.0       |               | 4.2.7
FW7            | 3.3.1       |               | 4.2.6