Upload.addFinishedListener not called when file doesn't meet constraints

Hello Vaadin experts!

I have an Upload component in my UI

MemoryBuffer receiver = new MemoryBuffer();
Upload upload = new Upload(receiver);


When I try to upload a file that’s greater than 1024 bytes. I expect the Upload.addFailedListener to be called, but it doesn’t get called. Any ideas why and how to fix?

Or better still, how can I know that the file that was attempted to be uploaded doesn’t meet the requirement so I can show the correct prompt to a user

If it helps.

<vaadin.version>13.0.11</vaadin.version> Spring Boot Version <version>2.1.6.RELEASE</version>

I guess you have the same problem as described in this bug report


In case yes, the good news is that there is process ongoing to fix it.

Tatu Lund:
I guess you have the same problem as described in this bug report


In case yes, the good news is that there is process ongoing to fix it.

Unfortunately it’s not the same problem.

I’m only uploading a file. As you can see I set the max file size with Upload.setMaxFileSize to 1024 bytes.

Any attempt to upload a file with more than that size fails i.e Upload.addSucceededListener isn’t called; without any prompts or feedback.

Uploading files within the constraint works

If it helps.

Spring Boot Version

This is the solution/work around

upload.getElement().addEventListener("file-reject", event -> onFileRejected(upload.getMaxFileSize(), event)); But the event JsonObject is empty which is most likely due to a bug described below

The vaadin-upload web component fires a file-reject event, when the file doesn’t meet specified constraints https://vaadin.com/components/vaadin-upload/html-examples/upload-limit-files-demos

But it’s not being exposed in the component, however the functionality exists in GeneratedVaadinUpload.addFileRejectListener I tried to expose it but got a ClassCastException in JsonCodec.decodeAs from flow-server https://github.com/vaadin/flow/blob/master/flow-server/src/main/java/com/vaadin/flow/internal/JsonCodec.java#L244

java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast elemental.json.impl.JreJsonString to elemental.json.JsonObject

I’ll try to look into fixing it later. Any guidance is appreciated.