Issue embedding Flow app inside another one

I’m using Vaadin 13.
I’m trying to embbed a Vaadin Flow app inside another Vaadin Flow app using an IFrame.
The first time the main app is loaded, the other app is loaded correctly.
If I click something that needs to change the route, or if I refresh the browser, the main application is reloaded, reloading also the inside app.
But when the inside app starts to load (the second time), the main app is suddenly refreshed also, starting to reload again the inside app, falling in loop…
So the app keeps refreshing again and again.
It seems that the inside app sends a signal to the browser. I was unable to find usable trace on the browser’s console.
How to prevent this behavior?
If the source in the IFrame is a classic web site, there is no problem.
Thank you

I had the same issue. If the applications run at the same host with different ports, you have to configure different names for the cookies. See:

The first answer solved my problem.