ConfirmDialog on Vaadin flow doesn't show up

I’m using Vaain 10 and I’m fighting with ConfirmDialog which should be super easy to add to my app.
I followed the installation guide [here]

I have added a listener to a button and added the following code - the first line shows up in my console but the confirm dialog does not show up nor any exception in the logs.

pom file attached.

private void openOwnersDialog(ClickEvent<Button> event) {	
		System.out.println("Called"); //This is called
		ConfirmDialog dialog = new ConfirmDialog("Unsaved changes",
		        "Do you want to save or discard your changes before navigating away?",
		        "Save", this::onSave);
	public void onSave(ConfirmEvent l) {

17677334.xml (5.35 KB)

Hello Yinon

You need to open the dialog after creating it, otherwise it won’t show up.

ConfirmDialog dialog = new ConfirmDialog(.....);; // this will display the dialog

Damn, thank you :slight_smile: I was looking for the show method (that used to be on the old confirmed dialog) .
All examples in Vaadin doesn’t show the call to open method.

Anyway it works ,

You are right, in the [examples page]
( for ConfirmDialog, no example actually shows the; line. And you were not the first today to ask exactly this question :). Hopefully the examples get updated some time.

Looks like there’s already a ticket for that, too: