Lumo.DARK has html background-color:white

I have @Theme(value = Lumo.class, variant = Lumo.DARK) in my MainLayout class.
Lumo.DARK variant works only for 100% height. I have page with more data and after 1 page size I see white background (dark1).
I have fount that it is related to html background-color: white (dark2).

Do you know how to disable this white background in my App?

Flow applies the theme="dark" property on the <body> element, but it should be applied to the <html> element. This has been fixed in Vaadin 14 (Flow 1.5):

Another issue is the default <body> styles that Flow adds, making the body element 100% high. If you want to make the body element grow naturally you should override the height of that in your own stylesheet.

Thanks for your answer.
So I cannot have it working in Vaadin 10 (LTS)?

About body you mean:

body { height: 100vh; width: 100vw; margin: 0; }

Can you give me an example how to overwrite it in shared-styles.css or in java code?

michal kostro:
Can you give me an example how to overwrite it in shared-styles.css or in java code?

Hi Michal!

At least with shared-styles.css you can do the following:

    body {
      height: <value>;
	  width: <value>;

Thank you