Version 8.4.1 combobox.setItems(I... items) only adding first item

class DatabaseTab extends VerticalLayout {
    public enum Operation {
        CREATE {public String toString() { return "Create"; }},
        READ {public String toString() { return "Read"; }},
        UPDATE {public String toString() { return "Update"; }},
        DELETE {public String toString() { return "Delete"; }}
    private ComboBox<Operation> operationInput;
	//other data members

    DatabaseTab() {
        operationInput = new ComboBox<>();
        operationInput.setItems(CREATE, DELETE);
        operationInput.addValueChangeListener(event -> handleOperationValueChange());
	//other methods

What could be an explanation for the fact that the operationInput combobox only contains the CREATE element?
I’ve done a clean. I’ve even restarted my machine.
Vaadin 8.4.1, IntelliJ 2018.3.4, Tomcat 9.0.10, Maven 3.6.0, Java 1.8

There has been number of bugfixes in ComboBox component since version 8.4.1. Especially recently released 8.8.0 fixes couple of severe issues. I would recommend to upgrade to 8.8.0 and re-test.

Unfortunately, updating to 8.8.0 didn’t solve the issue. I’ve been developing with version 8 for over a year and have never seen anything like this before.

It is really hard for me to say what your problem is then. I tried your code and it works for me.

It took me hours to discover that a few hundred lines of code later, for some stupid reason, I was doing this…